Student Information and Scholarships
Scholarship Opportunities
Each Chapter within SDES provides scholarships for students pursuing a career in engineering. Below is more detailed information regarding the scholarship opportunities with each chapter.
For scholarships offered by the National Society of Professional Engineers, please visit their website:
Eastern Chapter Scholarships
High School Seniors
The Eastern Chapter will award $2000 Engineering Scholarships in 2025. Applicants should be high school seniors and must attend an engineering program at either South Dakota School of Mines and Technology or South Dakota State University. Applicants must have attended a high school in the Eastern Chapter area. The Eastern Chapter’s Scholarship Committee chooses the recipients. The application form may be obtained through the link below. Applications must be mailed and postmarked on or before Friday, January 17, 2025, to be considered. The scholarship recipient is presented with an award at the Chapter’s annual Engineering Banquet usually held in mid-February.
Black Hills Chapter Scholarships
The Black Hills Chapter will award TWO Scholarships in 2025, including one $2000 Jody Page Leadership Scholarship and one $500 Scholarship. Applicants must be a returning South Dakota School of Mines and Technology engineering student (undergraduate only) for Fall Semester 2025. The student must be a U.S. Citizen with a grade point average above 2.5 in an engineering major program and be active in engineering societies and community organizations.
Completed application must be received by 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time, January 31st, 2025.
The Jody Page Leadership Scholarships are named in honor of Black Hills Chapter and South Dakota Engineering Society Past-President Jody Page, PE. As a civilian engineer, Jody was an Associate Vice President for HDR Engineering, leading the South Dakota expansion of HDR into Rapid City. As a member of the 114th Fighter Wing Unit of the South Dakota Air National Guard, Jody attained the rank of Lt. Colonel and was the Squadron Commander of the Civil Engineering Squadron. He deployed to the Middle East for a total of three tours. Jody was a true leader and especially enjoyed the opportunity to mentor fellow engineers, both through the National Guard and his civilian roles. Known for his great sense of humor and notable laugh, his leadership of SDES will carry on through the many future SDES leaders he taught by example.
The Black Hills Chapter scholarships are funded by mutual fund earnings established in part with our Chapter's proceeds from sponsoring the National NSPE convention in Rapid City. That convention was brought to Rapid City in large part through the efforts of Bill Craig. Additionally, the Chapter continues to solicit donations and other fund-raising measures with a goal of reaching a total portfolio of $75,000. The portfolio goal will generate annual earnings for the current scholarship and hopefully support additional scholarship opportunities for students.
The SDES Scholarship Committee will review the applications, and the recipient of the Jody Page Leadership Scholarship will be announced at the annual NSPE-SD Black Hills Chapter’s Engineers Week Banquet Luncheon. The selected Jody Page Leadership Scholarship winner will be invited to attend the SDES Black Hills Chapter’s E- Week Luncheon. The scholarship amounts will be applied to each student’s fall 2025 tuition fees.
Central Chapter Scholarship
The Central Chapter awards two $1,000 Engineering Scholarship to a graduating senior in the Central Chapter area. Applicants must be a resident of South Dakota and attending either South Dakota State University or South Dakota School of Mines & Technology for the Fall Semester 2022 and majoring in engineering. A completed application, including the essay and other required documents, must be submitted by April 5, 2024, to be eligible for consideration.
The Central Chapter Scholarship Committee will select the scholarship winner and the scholarship funds will be sent to the school of choice once enrollment is verified.
The Central Chapter Engineering Scholarship is funded by an Endowed Account. This account was established through local engineer contributions. As the account grows, the Chapter hopes to increase the amount and number of scholarships awarded.
Cool Links
Bill Nye The Science Guy
Bill Nye is a mechanical engineer with a degree from Cornell University. After graduating from college he worked at various aerospace and design firms in the Seattle, Washington, area. Bill majored in engineering because he liked tinkering with bikes while he grew up. As a student in grade school, among his earliest experiments he built a boat that sank. For more program information write to KCTS, 401 Mercer Street, Seattle, WA 98109.
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